Audit Report Template

  • Report Templates

An audit report template is a kind of report submitted by an auditor which represents the scope, purpose and result of the audit. There is a mandatory requirement for an audit report to include the suggestions and recommendations from the auditors. Normally, this report describes the financial position of an organization at the end of a certain period for which an audit has been conducted. Having an effective audit system is very important for a company. This is because it enables an organization to pursue and achieve all its corporate objectives and goals. Basically, audit is a process where auditors…

Free Booklet Template

  • Business Templates

A free booklet template is a pamphlet or more clearly a small book consisting of few sheets and having a proper cover. Pamphlets, brochures, leaflets, folders and catalogs are just some of the different types of booklets. Most of the companies use booklets to inform their customers about their new product or service or we can say it is used as a promotion tool also. Booklet cover has great impact for your readers because it is the first seen page of your booklet. Booklets are not only important for business companies but also for us as their valued consumer. Booklets…

Letter of Intent Template

  • Letter Templates

A letter of intent template is a letter from one company to another acknowledging the willingness and aptitude to do a business. Letters of intent are used during the merger and acquisitions processes. Sometimes, the letter of intent is also issued by mutual fund shareholders to invest certain sum of money on specified time and they would often qualify for reduced sales charges by signing a letter of intent. It is not a legal document but can be enforced. Perhaps, a letter of intent is only a temporary step in any major business or financial dealing, nevertheless it is however…

Incident Report Template

  • Report Templates

An incident report template is also known as accident report. These reports are the forms that are filled out to record the details of an unusual event. They can be used to record injury of a patient also. The purpose of incident report is to record exact details of the event which is fresh in mind of witnesses. Incident reporting is essential because of following reasons: It enables improvement of situation It prevents related future incidents Reporting an example of employee injury, property damage, improper behavior, or other causes, it is increasingly important for a concern to keep an incident…

Progress Report Template

  • Report Templates

A progress report template is a kind of report that certifies the progress of the work which has been assigned to an individual or a team. It elaborates on what resources have been used and what types of problems faced by the organization in achieving goals. These progress reports are usually prepared by management to check the growth of the task assigned by higher authorities. It holds a lot of importance for an organization. These reports should also include the number of people who actually worked on an activity compared to the number of people who planned to work on…

Police Report Template

  • Report Templates

A police report template is any paperwork done by the police in any particular case. We can also name this as an investigation report. This document is usually prepared after a crime and this may involve the following things, like the name of a victim of a crime, a witness who can help a lot to investigate, arrangement of the crime or any particular data related to the case. Mainly during the phase of investigation, witnesses are questioned, and their statements are included in the report. A good police report can either make or break a criminal case. Therefore, it…

SWOT Analysis Template

  • Business Templates

An SWOT analysis template is an instrument that ascertains the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization. It identifies the objective of a business project and also specifies the external and internal factors that are favorable or unfavorable for achieving objectives. It is a basis of information for strategic planning as it: Build’s organization’s strength Overcomes organization’s threats It helps in setting objectives for strategic planning Maximizes its response to opportunities Reverses its weaknesses The importance of a SWOT analysis is very colossal and nobody can measure it. Perhaps, it is a very crucial tool which can change the…

Free Restaurant Menu Templates

  • Business Templates

A restaurant menu template is a very attractive and innovative approach to attract the attention of new customers. As we all visit restaurants in our daily life. One thing that we observe in our daily life is the menu which is presented before the customers. In a restaurant, a menu is the presentation of food and beverages offered. The menu consists of the list of food that is available for a meal. A good restaurant menu design is a key to any restaurant’s marketing. It attracts your customers by defining the important position of your restaurant in the minds of…

Meeting Minutes Template

  • Business Templates

A meeting minutes template is the written record of an official event. Minutes can be held by any person present at the meeting, or they are distributed to the members who have attended the meeting. This document can be used as evidence in a court of law in case of filing a suit, so it is considered an important document for company communication and for record keeping. Key content on this document will include meeting date and time, meeting place, names of attendees, topics discussed and responses of key personnel in the meeting, signatures of the concerned person. Usually, a…

Free Agenda Template

  • Business Templates

The free agenda template is a list of things which are to be discussed in a formal meeting. The agenda is also known as a docket. The list usually involves one or more specific terms of business to be discussed. The main objective of the agenda is to familiarize the members with the issues to be raised, indicate what specific knowledge is expected from the participants and what outcomes members expect from the meeting. Free Agenda templates are very important for timing purposes as they keep meeting from going too long and keep a meeting on its particular topic. The…

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