Certificate templates segment consist of professional and delegated designs which are chosen based on various elements. There are multiple templates are given in each title to give our users more ease and comfort. Free certificate templates are provided to facilitate our users in selecting the best template for them. Every template embedded with one clean and visible image, just to make your selection process easy and fun.

Degree Certificate Template

A degree certificate template is a document which certifies that the stated person has been qualified for requirements of some specific degree. Main content on a degree certificate will include university or institute name, degree title, passing year, name of the candidate, signatures of the concerned authorities, grade or percentage obtained by the candidate etc. A degree certificate can be […]

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Salary Certificate Format

A salary certificate format is a document which is important for both the employer and employee. An employee will need salary certificate for different purposes like applying for some loan, buying insurance policy, applying for job in some other organization etc. This certificate will contain information about the organization and information about the employee like his name, designation, employment number, […]

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Award Certificate Template

An award certificate template is rewarded to a person for making some achievements or meeting some challenges. It will be designed according to the nature of achievement, as an award certificate for sports achievements will be designed differently as compared to a professional award certificate. Key content on an award certificate will include its title, information about the issuer and the […]

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Medical Certificate Template

A medical certificate template is used for several purposes for instance it may be presented to the seniors for taking leave, it may be presented to the insurance companies for claiming insurance or it may be presented to a doctor for proceeding treatment process etc. A medical certificate may be written on the letterhead of a clinic or hospital or […]

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Gift Certificate Template

A gift certificate template or a gift card serves as a best option for people who can’t think what to send as gift to their close ones on different events. A gift certificate can be considered as a credit card which is presented at the time of purchases and the payment is then made later on. A gift card is […]

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Share Certificate Template

A share certificate template is a document which is issued to the shareholders for certifying his ownership in business shares. This certificate is signed on the behalf of the company and it bears legal importance also. Having this certificate, the shareholder can claim share in the dividend declared by the business. Key information provided on a share certificate includes company […]

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Training Certificate Template

A training certificate template may be issued to an intern or to some employee on completion of some training program to certify that he/she has shown good performance during the training program for a specified period of time. This training certificate format will also include information about the purpose of training program, duration of training and performance of that person […]

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Certificate of Origin Template

A certificate of origin template is a document issued by the companies that are engaged in foreign trade. This document is prepared by the exporter and is certified by some issuing person/body to certify that a particular good or product which is to be exported has been manufactured/processed or produced in that stated country. The originating country doesn’t mean at […]

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Merit Certificate Template

A merit certificate template which is awarded to a person for his qualifications or for completing a training session successfully is known as merit certificate. It is a proof of his abilities and skills. Main content on a merit certificate include information about the issuing authority, name of the winning person, his designation, age, address, list of qualifications, rewarding date […]

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Birth Certificate Template

A birth certificate template certifies the birth of a child which is used for so many purposes in different stages of life, for instance for getting admission in school, to apply for national identity card and to get passport before age of eighteen years old (18). A birth certificate format may be a simple white form with information or a […]

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