Letter templates is a category where all templates related to letters are given. You can select any letter from these templates to download. We have tried our best to provide you with the best quality content in free letter samples.

Apology Letter Template

Apology letter template will be sent the person who had to suffer because of our mistakes. This letter may also be sent by business people to other business contacts like customers, colleagues, employees etc. Usually this letter is sent when someone admits his mistakes and wants to say sorry to the next person with a promise for being careful next […]

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Complaint Letter Template

A complaint letter template may be written by a customer, a colleague, an employee etc to convey their problems to the concerned persons. A complaint letter can also be written for personal reasons. This letter if is to be sent to some business people should be written in proper format. Make sure to include some important points in your letter […]

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Condolence Letter Template

A condolence letter template as its name shows is written to be a part of grievances of a person usually in case of some death when you can reach there. By sending a condolence letter, you can really make the reader feel that you and your thoughts are with them in this time of pain. Some important things should be […]

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Inquiry Letter Template

An inquiry letter template is a request letter which may be written by anyone for getting information. An inquiry letter should be written in proper format and everyone should know how to write this letter. The first and foremost important point about an inquiry letter is the clarity. You need to be very careful in communication exactly what you want […]

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Recommendation Letter Template

A recommendation letter template is letter in which the write writes about qualities, key characteristics or achievements being a student, customer, a business person or a worker etc with intent to recommend that person to some other organization or academic institution. Usually a recommendation letter is written only if it is requested by some person. If you are a business […]

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Sales Letter Template

Sending a sales letter template may be intended to make a sales offer, answer a sales query or to finalize a sales deal. Text and tone of every different sales letter will be different. This letter will be written in proper format. Usually this letter is a totally textual letter not an image based leaflet or a cataloger. A sales […]

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Letter of Transmittal Template

Letter of transmittal template is a document which is sent with some detailed document to introduce it. Purpose of this document is to describe the accompanied document and to state what response is expected from the reader of the detailed document. You can get this document just like a cover letter. Content on this letter will include information about the […]

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Romantic Letter Template

Sending a romantic letter either online or by post, is the best way to express your feelings of love to your loved one. A romantic letter can let the reader know how much you love him/her. Writing a romantic letter needs no rules for writing a letter. You will write in general just focusing your feelings. Just try to go […]

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