Report Templates

Report templates category is provided with multiple report writing formats which are selected with extreme care. All report templates are provided in this segment are fully professional and equipped with state-of-the-art content and layout. Every single report template is provided along with its image to give a basic idea about the design and layout of the template.

Compliance Report Template

A compliance report template as highlighted under the guidance of compliance rules stated under managerial act of US 1978, further amended in year 1993, describes all rules and regulations made by an organization in order to keep office decorum and momentum in the best professional way.

Annual Report Template

Annual report template is a detailed business document which is written after assessing company’s activities for a whole year. Annual reports may be a financial report, status report, or a progress report depending on the needs of the business. Annual reports are usually written for the sake of stakeholders. This document is written in proper format with complete content. Companies which are listed on the stock exchange are responsible for submitting their financial reports on the decided dates. These reports provide true information about the business that helps in making decisions for the future. Importance of Annual Report Template Annual…

Book Report Template

A book report template may be written as an assignment or it may be written for assistance of readers. This report will contain information about a detailed book or report. Writing a book report means that the reader has read the book thoroughly. Key information provided in a book report may include main idea of the book, findings of the reader, names, and descriptions of characters in the book. A book report can be written in different styles with a well-designed title page and body of the report on the rest of the pages. Importance of Book Report Template A…

Status Report Template

A status report template may be submitted on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, or it may be written for a specific project to show the current status of that task for assessing efficiency of the staff. A status report can also be a financial report. Main content of this report will include report title, date, department name, project name, name and designation of the concerned person, description of work completed, details of the resources used, remaining work and quality of work completed. This report will be drafted in professional format and will be signed by the concerned professionals. Apart…

Audit Report Template

An audit report template is a kind of report submitted by an auditor which represents the scope, purpose and result of the audit. There is a mandatory requirement for an audit report to include the suggestions and recommendations from the auditors. Normally, this report describes the financial position of an organization at the end of a certain period for which an audit has been conducted. Having an effective audit system is very important for a company. This is because it enables an organization to pursue and achieve all its corporate objectives and goals. Basically, audit is a process where auditors…

Incident Report Template

An incident report template is also known as accident report. These reports are the forms that are filled out to record the details of an unusual event. They can be used to record injury of a patient also. The purpose of incident report is to record exact details of the event which is fresh in mind of witnesses. Incident reporting is essential because of following reasons: It enables improvement of situation It prevents related future incidents Reporting an example of employee injury, property damage, improper behavior, or other causes, it is increasingly important for a concern to keep an incident…

Progress Report Template

A progress report template is a kind of report that certifies the progress of the work which has been assigned to an individual or a team. It elaborates on what resources have been used and what types of problems faced by the organization in achieving goals. These progress reports are usually prepared by management to check the growth of the task assigned by higher authorities. It holds a lot of importance for an organization. These reports should also include the number of people who actually worked on an activity compared to the number of people who planned to work on…

Police Report Template

A police report template is any paperwork done by the police in any particular case. We can also name this as an investigation report. This document is usually prepared after a crime and this may involve the following things, like the name of a victim of a crime, a witness who can help a lot to investigate, arrangement of the crime or any particular data related to the case. Mainly during the phase of investigation, witnesses are questioned, and their statements are included in the report. A good police report can either make or break a criminal case. Therefore, it…

Summary Report Template

A summary report template shows the aggregate results of a long report, survey, project or a business document. Basically this report is intended to provide a preview of information given in long report. Mostly this report is written for people who don’t have time to go through the long reports or for non-technical people who have concern with the results only. Reader can get idea about the key points, findings, conclusions and recommendations of the report within few minutes. Summary report template is short in length but must include enough information for the reader to make him familiar with the…

Expense Report Template

An expense report template may be prepared for a day, week or a month or it can be prepared for a complete project. This report will provide detailed information about the expenses made like when, why, on what and how much. For instance a travel expense report template will contain information about the trip, total cost, total travelling, fuel expense, food expense and miscellaneous expenditures made during the travelling. All receipts numbers are also mentioned with each expense entry, writer’s name, signatures of the approving authority etc. What Makes Expense Report Template Different? There are several crucial points which makes this…